Our Policies

Personal Data and Privacy Policy

We appreciate and understand how important data protection is to all our clients, we want to be totally transparent with you about how your personal data is treated and used.
How is your data used by Equine-Connect?

At Equine-Connect we use your data for; administration, provision of services, keeping you informed and for our social media.

What are your individual rights?

The rights for individuals are;
The right to be informed about how your personal data will be used
The right of access to personal data that we have for you
The right to rectification
The right to erasure
The right to restrict processing
The right to data portability
The right to object
Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling, which we do not use at Equine-Connect.

How do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal data through the following methods;
Completing our “contact us” form on our website
By signing up yo our newsletter
Following a change in personal circumstances
If you are referred to us
If we are contacted by another organisation, such as a local authority or military

How do we share your information?

We can assure you that we do not and will not sell any personal data to a third-party company. However, there are occasions when we must share your personal data with companies outside of Equine-Connect in order to fulfill our contract whit you, these may include;
Banks, accountants and payment service providers
Funding providers
Debt collection agencies
Law enforcement agencies
Email and digital marketing providers
Website creators and website hosting providers

How long do we keep your data?

Your personal data will be kept by us whilst you are a client of Equine-Connect and for as long as it needs to kept, to ensure we meet our legal requirements.
Once you are no longer a client of Equine-Connect, your data will be removed or anonymised as required to meet our legal obligations.

Marketing Communications

If you have opted into our marketing messages then we will send you information regarding offers or events being organised by Equine-Connect, as well as information regarding events and offers Equine-Connect are linked too.
If you no longer wish to receive the marketing messages, then contact us via letter, email or telephone call so that we can arrange this. Please note, there can occasionally be a delay in removing you from our marketing messages list- therefore you may still receive marketing details from us while we update the system.

Update regarding changes to this policy

We will update you if any changes to this policy occur after annual reviews.
Any significant changes that occur outside of the annual review, will be communicated to you directly as they occur.

Contact information regarding our data protection policy

If you need to contact us regarding any of your personal data, or have any questions regarding this policy or your rights please contact us at;
Smiths Farm
PL30 4QD

A copy of our full Privacy and Data protection policy can be requested by contacting us at our postal address listed above or our email address; [email protected]

Equality & Diversity Policy

Sustainability & Environment Policy

Cancellation & Payments Policy