Meet the Team

Lisa- Owner of Equine Connect

Lisa spent her childhood in Cornwall surrounded by farmlands and neighbouring horses.
Her love and adoration for horses really peaked the day she met a local hunt in the village and was invited to sit on a very excitable dapple cob. From that day on, Lisa spent every moment she could with horses, including working at a local stables in return for riding lessons.

At 12 years old, Lisa got her very own pony and spent seven happy years adventuring with him.

“He taught me determination, patience, self discipline, how to trust, friendship, respect and most of all to have fun.”

Ten years later, whilst organsing moving her family to Holland, Lisa went to a clinic to ride Lusitano horses. It was here she met Saturno, his grace and effortless paces led to Saturno finding his new home with Lisa- igniting her passion for Lusitano horses.

Since then many other horses have joined Lisa, mainly Lusitano’s. Now, back living in Cornwall, it is Lisa’s time to share her knowledge and love for horses in order to help others and better mental health difficulties.


Yamea is Lisa’s daughter. Yamea grew up with horses in her life and is a skilled, accomplished equestrian.

She has performed in many shows over the years and as part of a display team from a young age. Her natural and effortless connection with horses is a delight to watch.
Yamea has played a vital role in backing/ training all of the horses from both the adult & young herd. She is level headed in difficult situations, an outstanding leader and there to offer support.

After the trip to rescue the young herd from Portugal, Yamea developed a very special bond with Makio. This bond continued to grow for a long time, eventually allowing Makio to trust Yamea enough to start working with him.


Laura has always loved horses and was fortunate enough to learn to ride as a child with a local riding school. Although she only managed to ride once a fortnight, she fell completely in love with everything horse related, including going out on her bicycle on the weekends to sit and watch the horses in the village grazing in their fields.  

As a teenager, horse riding became more difficult to achieve on a regular basis and spending time with horse occurred on special occasions, such as birthdays or holidays.

After a period of admiring horses from afar, Laura was introduced to Lisa and Yamea. One morning of spending time at Equine-Connect allowed Laura to realise how much she had been missing having horses in her life.   

For the past few years Laura has developed her confidence and capabilities as an equestrian, both on or off the horse, including finding a new passion in Liberty work.